Sunday, August 1, 2010


Check out this classic Sesame Street video celebrating 9!!!!
Why do you think they show a baseball game to celebrate 9????

Hey everyone,

We want to wish Adam a very HAPPY 9th BIRTHDAY today!!!! Make sure to check out the video of the bear wishing him a happy day. He's up at Grandmom Godack's house and will be wishing people a happy birthday over the next few months.

Hope you have a great day Adam and we'll see you soon for your party with your brothers and sister.

Love you!
Uncle Shawn & Mr. Ted

Want to know some cool facts about the number 9....

1. It is considered a composite number since it is not a prime number. (Can be divided evenly by more than 1 and itself.)

2. Is a perfect square number since 3x3=9

3. There are 9 innings in a baseball game with 9 players on a team.

4. The atomic number of Beryllium is 9

5. A polygon with nine angles and nine sides is called a nonagon.

6. In French the word neuf means both nine and new. In German, the words for nine and new are neun and neu, and in Spanish, nueve and nuevo.

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