Wednesday, July 28, 2010


Birthday bear at Grandmom Godack's wishing you a happy day!!!

Hey everyone,

We want to send out big HAPPY BIRTHDAY WISHES TO AMY TODAY!!! We won't give her age away but we will give you some hints.....

1. Her age is an even number

2. Her sum of the digits of her age is also even.

3. Her age has only 6 unique factors

4. Barak Obama is this numbered president

5. Her age is the same as the atomic number of ruthenium

6. Her age is considered a mathematical "happy number" (you may have to look that one up.)

7. Her age is the retired number of Reggie Jackson and Hank Aaron

8. Her age is the code for international direct dial phone calls to the United Kingdom

9. Wyoming was this numbered state to enter the USA

10. Her age is the number of candles in a box of Hanukkah candles

Did you guess????

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